Food Intolerance Test

Food intolerance test it is a medical test that used to determine if an individual has an adverse reaction to certain foods that is not due to an immune system response, as is the case with food allergies. Food intolerances can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as digestive issues, headaches, and skin rashes. There are several types of food intolerance tests also available in ImuPro, including:

  • Elimination diet: This involves eliminating suspected food intolerances from the diet and monitoring symptoms to determine if they improve. Foods are then reintroduced one at a time to identify which ones are causing the symptoms.
  • Breath test: This test measures the levels of gases produced by the digestive system after consuming certain foods. An increase in certain gases can indicate food intolerance.
  • Blood test: A blood sample is taken from the individual and tested for the presence of specific antibodies in Germany or immune markers that can indicate food intolerance.
  • Stool analysis: This test analyzes the stool for markers of inflammation or abnormal bacterial levels, which can be associated with food intolerances.

ImuPro food intolerance tests are always accurate. FMD have qualified healthcare professional to determine the best course of action based on individual symptoms and test results.

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