IgG food allergy - a possible trigger for the inflammatory processes that cause migraine

Many people suffer from headaches on a regular basis. There are about 200 different forms of headaches, the most frequent of which being tension headaches and migraines. The frequency, length, and type of pain (throbbing, pounding, squeezing, etc.) of different types of headaches vary. Migraines and tension headaches are termed primary headaches; they represent a distinct clinical picture that can be treated immediately.

The causes of primary headaches are not always obvious. Many migraine sufferers believe that certain foods may cause their episodes. A delayed IgG-related food allergy could be such a trigger. The ImuPro idea can then be a valuable approach: it combines a food allergy test connected to IgG and individualized nutritional support.

Migraine is a multifaceted neurological disorder. Those who are impacted typically experience prolonged and severe headaches. Migraine is characterized by throbbing or throbbing pain, which usually occurs on one side of the head. It can disrupt sleep, work, and other everyday routines and can happen several times a week or once or twice a year. Migraines are most common between the ages of 35 and 45.

Common Migraine Symptoms

  • Throbbing, throbbing or squeezing pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Extreme sensitivity to light and sound
  • Lethargy

The two most prevalent migraine types are migraine without aura and migraine with aura. The latter is a type of migraine that has warning symptoms - an aura - before the pain begins. Symptoms may include seeing flashing lights, blind spots, difficulty concentrating, issues with balance and coordination, weakness, stiffness, and tingling in the neck, shoulders, or limbs, and difficulty speaking. The migraine aura stage often lasts 15 minutes to an hour. Aura sensations affect around one-fifth of migraine sufferers.

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