Your test results
The comprehensive report contains accurate results for all of your tested foods at a glance. You will learn if there are elevated levels of specific IgG antibodies to a food or not.
Your personal ImuPro documents will guide you through your change in diet. They will help you to find the foods that are good for you and to pinpoint your individual “trigger foods”.
Learn more about the personalised solutions and the different ImuPro options.
The comprehensive report contains accurate results for all of your tested foods at a glance. You will learn if there are elevated levels of specific IgG antibodies to a food or not.
The Personal Nutritional Guide explains how to understand and proceed from your results. You will find some general information on the ImuPro test and the development of an IgG food allergy. Then you will learn about the three phases in detail: elimination phase, provocation phase, stabilisation phase.
Your recipe book contains recipes specifically tailored to your personal needs. They only include those ingredients which you are allowed to eat according to your ImuPro results. The ImuPro recipe book will help you to make up your individual “menu” of allowed foods according to the 4-day rotation.
Could IgG food allergy testing from ImuPro be an option for you?
Check it outChoose the ImuPro test that is the most appropriate for you.
Take a product tourWhat is a delayed IgG food allergy and how does it develop?
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