Your general health can be determined by looking at your skin. Your body is protected by healthy skin in numerous ways. The skin acts as a barrier to keep bacteria and other potentially harmful external elements out of the body.

Characteristics of a healthy skin

  • No dry skin
  • No redness
  • Elastic skin
  • No dark skin patches
  • No wrinkles

Food hypersensitivity testing for healthy skin?

Do you have acne, psoriasis, urticarial, or itchy skin?
Are you looking for long-term relief?

Even if you are eating "healthy" foods, a delayed food allergy could be the source of your issues. We advise ImuPro as a delayed food allergy test that can assist in identifying your "trigger" foods. You might learn whether your skin issues are caused by food by taking the test.

ImuPro - For a healthy skin

The "ImuPro" food hypersensitivity test detects sensitivities to the most common foods that may function as triggers for inflammatory processes that result in unhealthy skin. It provides details on the connection between IgG to food and skin.

ImuPro is a thorough IgG-mediated laboratory test for food hypersensitivity. Blood samples are examined for the presence of IgG antibodies in various diets. Unhealthy skin may result if certain meals have high quantities of these antibodies.

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